Reverse Phone Lookup 415-880-5599

I got a call from this number several times, but they were saying they were a sweepstakes company and I won 10 million dollars and all I had to do was send them $900 processing fee, I told them they were crazy and to get a real job. I hung up on the guy and he called back and started harassing me calling me names saying he was going to mess me careful of these people, if you get a number like this, file a complaint with the police department..

Request: Reverse Phone Lookup 
415-880-5599, (415)880-5599, 415.880.5599, 4158805599


AUC said...

Caller said he was with the Yellow Pages and wanted to verify our listing. After verifying our company name, address and phone number (all of which he had already) he said we would be receiving a free trail in the mail that included a 5 page business profile. He would then call back in 7 days for feedback. I told him I had no authorization for payment of any kind and could not order this service. He said he was not asking for any payment and we would not be charged until they called us back for feedback. I told him NO we do not want the service and we would like to cancel NOW. He said that he would make a note saying I was not authorized and that he would call back to talk to a manager within the next few days. I asked him to take us off the call list, but he had already disconnected. I will be keeping a close eye on our phone bill to make sure no suspicious charges appear.

N/A said...

Beware of this number of course they use differnt company names, because they been harrassing me for over 2 yrs. Same person. Same accent. We heard many voices, but we can sure tell when there not from this county....

Sandi said...

I just got a call from this number and they started calling me yesterday I decieded to answer it and it was a woman trying to tell me I was the 100th something and I won a "PRE-PAID" Visa and $5K and when I told I was not interested she asked if I like saving money??? How is that saving money when you know all you are doing is getting scammed???

Marty McGraw said...

If you would like to take matters in your own hands and turn the tables on them, below is more than enough enabling information collected from a ten minute Google search:

General info:
The Telephone Connection Of Los Angeles, Inc.
9911 W. Pico Blvd, Suite 680
Los Angeles, CA 90035-2721
(310) 789-7900

Direct contact:
Mark O'Krent, President
(310) 789-7979

Sally said...

Called and said he was an office from an investigation bureau. He was a foreiner and talked broken english a real wacko. he left a number for the party he was calling to return his call. oh sure maybe he will get a call back don't hold your breath officer.

Kelly said...

This number called me today and the person told me I had taken out a payday loan from a company called Cash Net in December 2007. The original loan was for $350.00 but now owed $694.00. The person with a heavy accent stated that either I paid up or legal action would be taken against me. I never took out a payday loan from this company. They identified their company as NWV and I was to send payment via Western Union. I am so glad, after coming upon this website to learn that they are nothing but Scammers. It sounds like the call is coming from a room full of people. Don't be taken in by these people.

PO'ed AMERICAN said...

I recieved a call from a "Mr. James" with a heavy middle eastern accent. He said I defaulted on an internet/government loan for $250 and if I didn't settle with them immediately I would be in severe legal trouble resulting in thousands of dollars in fines and penalties. When I told him to send me documentation of the loan he got billigerant and said he was not required to send any correspondence as they had documentation they sent it to my e-mail address. He had no information on me and also asked for my social security number. When I refused he again began to strong arm me for my cc information. I told him I would take care of any outstanding debt when I am provided with written documentation that the debt is valid. He informed me to secure an attorney and give my attorney the phone number and he would fax them the affidavit. It's all BS and nothing but a scam. These are the two numbers I have connected to this call:
