Reverse Phone Lookup 800-972-8094

What ever company this is just took money out of my account and I don't even know who they are!  It's a weekend and they are closed.  If this has happened to you and you figured out how to get your money back please let us know how!

Request: Reverse Phone Lookup
800-972-8094, (800)972-8094, 800.972.8094, 8009728094


Kristina said...

They never even called me!!! The number just kept showing up on my bank statement, and when I called it would leave me on hold forever. I did some research and its a scam!! They just keep taking money out and money out and profit off people who do not realize!!

Salena said...

They never called me either!! But they continue to take money from my bank! Has anyone been able to stop it?

Tommie Hasler said...

I have the same problem they just took money out of my account causing some checks to bounce. If you know how to get out of this please let me know

Robert Pegram said...

I noticed a charge to my account which I knew I didn't make or authorize. I called my bank and they said they would start the dispute paperwork so the money could be put back in my account. I am worried that this company or whatever "Platinum Services" is will do this again, so i am going to change my atm card number and possibly my checking account number.

Renita Crabble said...

I was debited a charge from my checking account. And I did not authorize this transaction.

I called the phone number: 800-972-8094 and tried five times to talk with the customer service worker, my mother was also on the line with me, and he kept lying and saying that I was cussing him out and kept hanging up on me. He refused to tansfere my call to customer service, and then the sixth time I got someone named Latoyna, and she started to lie, and my mom and I both again said why are you lying, and she said that my mother did not need to be on the call, and I said yes she did, I explained again that I did not authorize $49.95 to be debited from my checking account to their company, and who and what is their company they work for. this worker also hung up on me.

Jamie said...

I was debited $49.95 today witch caused my rent and a few other checks to bounce i have never been called or notifyed that money was taken out of my account until this morning. I called the number and the man on the phone told me that i tried to get a loan for either a cash advance or a car loan which i have not done any of the following. I told him so and he said sorry ma'am there is nothing we can do for you.

George said...

This just happened to me too today! Every time I tried and talked to someone, they automated system just hung up on me! This is BS!

Mike said...

I checked my bank account Saturday and saw the charge of $49.95. So, I waited till Monday to call them. When I did a lady started talking about some subscription to some card service. I told her I was under the impression that I was subscribing to a loan service and besides I didn't finish the process, I backed out without submitting. Well she cancelled the subscription but I've come to find out today they still won't refund my money. I spoke with a lady today who, after I asked for a manager. claimed to be one by the name of RJ. I asked her for her full name she said that was it. She told me, and I quote: "even though you didn't confirm or submit the application we still had your information and deducted anyways, it was up to you to check your email because we sent you an email and you had 3 days to stop the process". I checked my email and nothing was there from them. I've alerted my bank and I'm in the process of closing that account. Don't do business with this company 1-800-972-8094! I don't even know their name.

Chris said...

I noticed a debit of $49.95 by platinum Services so I called the # listed but was unable to reach anoyone. The automated system gave an email address to contact a customer service rep but my email was returned as undeliverable. A week later I finally reached a live person and was told I applied for a credit card to use on their website. The 49.95 was a 1x fee that is only refundable w/i 3 days of the debit. I told the rep I wanted to cancel my membership but she told me I had to do that online. I was told I would receive a packet in the mail about my membership w/i 14 days of the debit. The rep told me I needed to active my account online and then cancel my membership. She assured me there is no monthly fee for the credit card and that I would not be charged again. The rep also told me the credit card application probably popped up on my browser while looking for a payday loan

Frankie said...

I just noticed this company has been taking money out of my account unauthorised.I called my bank to stop it asap but they said they couldn't(could you imagine the bank can't even protect their customer).I told my bank manager over the phone i will close up my account with them since they can't protect me.I called this number and all I can hear is music on the background no name.THIS IS A SCAM,HOW THEY GET TO MY ACCOUNT I DON'T KNOW.

Briana said...

This probably is a scam or it may actually be a company that has business. from reading above it looks likes its a company that has a cc where u pay for they cc and you can only use their site. im pretty sure everyone one of us all applied for a loan or payday advance of some sort and filled out this application under the assumption it was a loan or credit line. but once the fine print was read some or all of us backed out. but because our account imformation was already in the system they processed it. in a way it is legal just morally wrong. i was debited $79.95 yesterday and i plan on canceling it with the company if i can or file a claim with my bank. if not i'll just place a stop payment on the company to stop future debits. (which you all can do). but to blame the bank for YOUR faults (which some of you have) isnt the way to go. the bank Holds your money and isnt responsible for the information YOU put out there for others to receive. so to say the bank cant protect you is wrong, protect yourself. but, any bank you bank with should have a claims department where you can file a claim. or you can just wait to get the "packet" that someone mentioned and see what the comapny has to offer. proabably nothing, but hey at some point and time we ALL applied. not the Bank. so yelling at a manager of a branch is a cry baby way out of something you yourself put out on the internet.

Astral said...

This number is showing up on my bank statement with a charge that I definitely did not authorize. WTF?