Reverse Phone Lookup 204-289-4049

This number keeps calling. I tried calling back. Recorded message gives you option to have service in English or Hindi!!!. I hung up.

Request: Reverse Phone Lookup 
204-289-4049, (204)289-4049, 204.289.4049, 2042894049


Max J said...

it is long distance phone seller from India working for Telus.

Don said...

MaxJ, I'm trying to get rid of my Telus long distance and thought this might be an option. I could not understand the company name though and asked they call back, but they have not as yet.

Please let us know why you think (or know)they are working for Telus.

Thank you.

Lucky said...

This caller called up and hung up without leaving a message and when I called back goes through a automatic answering machine

CeeCee said...

I keep getting the same number coming up on my cellphone call display. Who is this????

NES said...

Must be Apu for The Simpson's

S said...

called the number and it's a company selling long distance phone packages. I asked them to take me off of their phone list.

t said...

This number has been calling me continously for the last 3 or 4 days.
I called it back today and man answered witha thick east indian accent. i asked him who they are he said they are Pulse Telecome selling long distance packages. i could hardly understand him but made him spell out the company name.Said they are located in Toronto. i asked him to take my name off list; he hung up on me.. i called back and demanded to speak with manager ; they said supervisor was not available to speak to.
They sound like a bunch of scam artists from india.

Johnny said...

They have tried to call me a couple of times now so I answered their call yesterday evening about 5:30 PM and when asked the person told me that he was calling from Pulse Telecom(s).

I then asked them where Pulse Telecom was located and I believe he said "161 Bay St in Toronto"...

It sounded like he was calling from overseas, poor line quality and heavy accent so I then asked where he was calling from, twice, and all I got was, "I'm Sorry Sir? What do you mean?"... I asked to be removed from their call lists immediately and he said "Sure, no problem. Thank you, good bye."...

Hope this helps!

Loni Simpson said...

This guy has a super thick accent, and has dialed me four times in the last hour. Whenever I said "I can't understand you" he hangs up on me. all i understood was the word telecommunications.