
Please help with a reverse phone lookup - I'm wiling to pay!

Reverse Lokup Number - 800-305-5557

Received a call from 800-305-5557 yesterday. They had my current phone number, but asked if I were from x address, which I had never heard of. They wouldn't tell me what the call was about, or how they got my information, nor would they identify themselves. When I said I wasn't going to supply any personal information until they let me know what they wanted, they said they were going to continue calling until "you feel like cooperating". Have no idea who these people are, and I'm now refusing to answer their calls. They are behaving as if they are either a) some kind of collections agency (I have no debt, so that's not an issue) or b) criminals trying to intimidate callers into giving their social security number and current address. Need a reverse phone lookup.


Rose said...

They called while I was at work. Mom answered, got a recorded message with a phone # and reference #.`They didn't say who they were, just asked "K. Devonshire" to call back.