Reverse Phone Lookup 800-962-9898

(800) 962-9898 Was called by this number and a representative named John Forbes (an officious a**) engaged the conversation in an extremeley abbrasive overtone.  Upon explaining to him that I demand to know the premise of the call, he blurted that it was none of my business, because I was not the collectee (a term he didn't use)!  Well, if you knock on my door and I don't want you on my property...Leave, or else ye be guilty of trespassing.  But, you can call and harass me and I don't owe you a damn thing?  This is b.s.!  He called 7 times in a row...I consider this har'ass'ment.  I will find out what companies utilize their services and not purchase from them any longer.  That is what A**, I mean ACS needs to be informed of...That is how you change the rules of the game!!!

Request: Reverse Phone Lookup 
800-962-9898, (800)962-9898, 8009629898, 800.962.9898


george edgar said...

i had 7 calls from some guy name david, he was very smart mouth and i dont own any buddy any money i told to stop calling but he keep showing up on my caller id 7 times between 8 pm and 9 pm, they should be a law againts this kine of calls. he used some pretty bad words towards me.

Bennett said...

Recieve a call from some man from this company. He was very professional. The man was abbrasive overtone he was threating. First I spoke with a young lady named Stacy she was professional. She asked me to hold after a minute I spoke with guy who was a the problem. The company she fire this person! If anyone else has contact with this company report them to the Better Business Agency.

MBankat said...

ACI - I got RUDE calls from a mutt saying his name is Thomas Cross. He has far outdated information on an account that I took care of some nine months ago. He is rude, demanding and acts like he has control over the future of my credit report and ability to keep a checking account. ACI = 800-962-9898 is hired by TD Banknorth. He keeps calling and saying I need to take care of the account. There is nothing to take care of. I paid to fix the issue directly with the bank. He calls and says I need to send him proof it was taken care of. I tell him I am NOT doing his job for him, he has incorrect information, HE needs to get correct information. I am reporting this mutt and his firm to both TD Banknorth and the Federal Trade Commission. ACI = Associated Credit Services.