
Reverse Phone Lookup Report:

Got a call from 818-663-9472 and this was a "phising scam" for credit card data. BEWARE!!! Do not give them any personal data. When I started to chat with a salesperson-type, he had a good pitch. When I started asking questions he jumped-off the line immediately. The pitch & come-on was for lower credit card interest rates... but it's a SCAM!!!

Reverse Phone Lookup Report


kk said...

Got a call from this number and googled and found a managing company. TM Caller ID. Called this company and spoke with a gentleman that verified the number I received a call from was a telemarketer and said he could contact them to remove my number from the list. Unsure whether or not it worked yet because I just called them.

Anonymous said...

Just got a call from this number and my caller ID showed "DO NOT ANSWER" and the number! I didn't answer and they didn't leave a message. I have never seen "DO NOT ANSWER" on my caller ID!